April 20, 2023


2 min read

6 essential tips for your next American road trip

Road trips are a popular way to explore different parts of the USA, and they’re a great option for au pairs traveling on a budget! Whether you’re already ready to hit the road or only dreaming about your next American journey, we’ve put together some tips to make your future road trip truly unforgettable! Keep reading and get excited to take to the road with your au pair friends.

1. Have a few destinations planned

Before you head out on your American adventure, put together a rough plan for your trip. Whether your goal is to explore a few national parks on the way or spend the night in every New England state, having some idea of where you’re going and sleeping will help you see everything you want to in the time you have together.

2. Pick your travel team

You and your travel buddies will be spending A LOT of time together on the road, so make sure to choose friends who want the same experience as you! A good travel team will need a navigator, route planner, playlist master, snack expert, and of course, a couple of friends willing to take turns at the wheel. Make sure to communicate about splitting expenses, destinations, and travel styles with your team, too.

3. Stay safe

Choosing a reliable vehicle is the key to a safe, worry-free road trip—so choose the most reliable car available to your group! While on the road, make sure to take breaks when you need them, be aware of your surroundings, and always follow traffic laws to avoid getting into any sticky situations.

4. Be open to detours

While you’re on the road, don’t forget to be spontaneous! Always be willing to explore quirky roadside attractions, take advantage of local farm stands, and embrace the local culture of towns you stop in. Road trips allow you to experience parts of the USA you might never see on TV, so take advantage of the experience and don’t be afraid to get a little off schedule—sometimes, the best moments are the ones you don’t plan!

5. Don’t forget the snacks

One thing we can absolutely guarantee about your future road trip is that your group will get hungry! Grocery stores are the best (and cheapest!) places to stock up on snacks and drinks that keep the whole group happy without having to stop as often. Plus, it’ll give you a chance to try ALL the American snacks and review them with your travel team!

6. Embrace the experience

Of course, the most important part of your road trip is to truly embrace the experience—whether you’re looking to relax and connect with nature, explore new cities, or check everything off your USA bucket list. While it’s good to save money when you can, don’t be afraid to make the most of your time as a tourist in an entirely new place and enjoy every moment with your au pair friends. A road trip is a perfect opportunity to make memories you’ll truly never forget and live your au pair life to the fullest!

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